Ireland Smith And Maude Lucy Nunley

Ireland Smith: Born Jan 26, 1895 - Kentucky, Died Jan 18, 1971 - Stuart, VA
Maude Nunley: Born Dec 17, 1895  Died April 4, ?? - Stuart, VA
Married: Oct 1, 1915
Info Ireland:
Went to Chattanooga, TN and worked with brother Andrew at Williams & Voris Lumber Co on Dodds Ave for several years. He and Maude lived on Dodds Ave near the McCallie School. Alice lived with 1 year with Ireland and Maude in Chattanooga and went to Ridgedale Elementary School for the 6th grade. Alice was sickly in McClure and had to walk to school in the deep snows. So Sallie let her go with Maude and Ireland to Chattanooga for one year. She would ride the trolley cars around Chattanooga and to movie shows on Saturdays.  Alice was able to ride a school bus to school at McClure and stay out of the snow the next year, so she went back home.. 

Ireland and Maude later moved to Stuart where he was the machinist for another lumber company and lived across the street from the mill.
Info Maude:
Died of cancer - grew skin for doctors to graft on her side.
She had cobalt radiation therapy - treatment burnt her up - doctors took skin from legs and grafted onto the shoulders and back where the treatment burnt.
Father - Henry Franklin Nunley
Mother - Sarah Ann Nunley

Left - Ireland with WWI uniform. Ireland and Andrew were in basic training together - U.S. Calvary. Circa 1918 at Woodman

Right - Ireland at Chattanooga Studio

Ireland died Jan 18, 1971 of pneumonia after having set in front of a fan and getting sick. 

Ireland ran grocery store at Woodman before going to Chattanooga to work. People owned him a lot of money that he never collected. 

Left - Maude Smith (Ireland's wife) and Lodema Smith (Maude's niece) in picture studio at Chattanooga, TN

Left - Maude on right - at Woodman

Maude's first husband was a Blankenship

Ireland & Maude
Left -Ireland & Maude

Right - Eugene Nunley ( her brother Cecil's son) and Maude

Oakley McCoy 
Died ?? - last known in Texas

Oakley was living in a cave with mother at Woodman
Maude and Ireland found him sitting by a creek and took him in.
His mother was America McCoy.
Oakley served as a medic in the Army

Chris Smith took one of his brothers.
Left - Joe Leonard Smith and wife - Maude in the middle

Right - Cecil Nunley's daughter and Maude

. Left - Postcard of Chickamauga Dam at Chattanooga from Maude's collection of postcards she bought wherever she and Ireland traveled.